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Closer Every Day - Secret Service

Patrick simmons
I just looked in the mirror, was that me
I'm older now than i used to be
The sky above me, lord, it's turnin' red
There's a hard rain fallin' 'round my head
Oh, lord, fallin' 'round my head
Oh, lord, fallin' 'round my head
Oh, lord, fallin' 'round my head
Oh, lord, fallin' 'round my head
The road i'm standin' on, it twists and turns
The soles of my feet, lord, they're 'bout to burn
The reaper beckons, and he points the way
Oh, lord, i'm gettin' closer every day
Oh, lord, closer every day
Oh, lord, closer every day
Oh, lord, closer every day
Oh, lord, closer every day

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